Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WWJD - "What Would June Do"

There are two eras that I've always felt I could belong...Victorian, and the 1950's. But in all honesty, I'm afraid I may suffocate if forced to actually live in either!

I've always adored the image of the 1950's housewife, and often thought I should strive to be more "June Cleaver-esque". But then I give my head a good shake - I adore the *image*, but in my world, the lifestyle just isn't practical. Was it ever? Did women during this time really uphold their household and family the way they are often portrayed? How was it more possible back then, and not now? More and more often I find myself standing in the middle of my house, feeling like we've been hit by some act of God/natural disaster...I would blame the children for the mess, if I could find them amongst the dirty laundry and dishes...but the sad fact is, I'm just as equally to blame. I have too many distractions, and I think that's what ahs changed most through the decades. In the 1950's, a woman was expected to greet her husband at the door with a cold drink and a hot meal on the table...the children and floors scrubbed to perfection. And that's all. She wasn't expected to contribute financially, her "place" was most often at home. Over the years, we've gained independance, but with "liberation" comes distraction. For example, right now I could (rather, "should") be washing my dishes, and tidying up from the day's adventures. However, I choose to sit at my computer and blog. Ah, yes - the internet...the master of all distractions. Through the day, I could vacuum and dust...but I'll get to that after my show is over on tv. Unless, of course, I decide to load the kids in the car and head off somewhere for the afternoon. These are all things that would not have posed a problem 50-60 years ago. Maybe if I want to at least make it "look" like I've got it all together, I need to simplify my life a little. Be a "stay-at-home-mom" that actually...stays home!
One of my many personal distractions is, as you know, sewing! I recently bought a vintage 1950's apron pattern, and had to try it out this afternoon! My first attempt is shown in the photo above - aprons will soon be available in my Etsy shop! Whether you're a "Domestic Goddess", or just playing "Desperate Housewife", you'll be sure to look the part - heels and pearls optional ;)
Don't those cinnamon buns look yummy? I wish I could share the way my kitchen smells, through my computer. A-MA-ZING! I'll share my recipe in my next post. When all else fails...bake! :)


  1. hot stuff jackie!! this look suits you! mark thinks so too!

  2. exactly my thoughts...1950's is too perfect yet not ideal if practiced today...(sigh)
