Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Give it Away, Give it Away, Give it Away Now!

Hello to all of my *Lovely* readers! Last week, I promised that if you stayed tuned I would post a it is!

As some of you know, I've been trying to find simple ways to make a bit of money on the side - as much as I LOVE being a stay-at-home Mommy, the job doesn't pay very well. I love to sew, paint, and other crafty ventures so I decided to open an online shop on Etsy to sell my wares. My shop is called"Babylove By Jackie" - I make nursery artwork/decor, hair bows, diaper bags, my new "Cozy Capes", and other accessories for babies and toddlers. I'll soon be adding a "Coffee Cozy" assortment, and other things for Mommies, too. I'm just getting started, and don't have a lot of things listed just yet. I'll be adding more as time allows, and will hopefully do a lot of custom orders as well - I'm always open to suggestions! If you haven't checked it out yet, be sure to visit:

Now it's time for you to help me - in both my blog, and my store! Here's what you need to do - there are 3 parts to this little challenge, and you must answer all 3:

1. What has been your favourite post of mine so far?

2. What would you like to see more of? Would you like to read more about the kids, the farm, the animals...suggest something for me to write about! The more original the better - I promise to write about EVERY topic that is suggested!

3. What is a product that you would like to see listed in my Etsy store? I know that most of you are Moms, and I really value your opinion! If you aren't a Mom, that's okay too - ANY suggestion is welcome!

This isn't technically a "contest"- all thoughts and opinions are appreciated equally, and the winner will be chosen at random.

Ready to hear what you could win?

One of you will recieve...your choice of ANY item from my Etsy store, custom made for you!!! Based on the things that are listed, that's up to a $40 value! You don't have to necessarily choose something directly from the store - the item will be custom made in the colours/fabric etc. that you prefer. Again, I know that not all of you are Mommies - this is where your product suggestions are important! You could choose one of the listed items to give as a gift, or we can work together to create something for yourself. Your choice.

I'm really trying to draw traffic to my online store, and I know that word-of-mouth is the best way to get attention! Please help me out by directing all of your Mommy friends to see me!

You have until the end of the weekend to respond - I'll announce a winner on Moday (May 4th).

Good luck - I can't wait to read all of your comments and suggestions!!!


  1. Boy you have been busy on here. I have lots of catching up to do.

    Anyway, the contest:
    1. What has been your favourite post of mine so far? I liked the post with you in PJ's cooking, the picture cracked me up.

    2. What would you like to see more of? Would you like to read more about the kids, the farm, the animals...suggest something for me to write about! The more original the better - I promise to write about EVERY topic that is suggested! I like to read anything, I am easy to please.

    3. What is a product that you would like to see listed in my Etsy store? I know that most of you are Moms, and I really value your opinion! If you aren't a Mom, that's okay too - ANY suggestion is welcome! Where are the tushy totes. I love my tote and we keep it in the car all the time that way we have supplies for quick trips and such.

  2. I got freaked out for a second and thought you were giving away the little paint horse that I got Abigayle, glad to see that it made an appearance in the blog though, it fits right in with your bag^_^

    1: I would have to say the potty training one, it made Ryan and I laugh quite a bit
    2: I'd like to see more posts about the silly things my funny little niece does
    3: Little wood painted signs done on like old barn board or something with cute little quotes, kinda like the stuff we saw in the Rustic Roots store

  3. Just wanted to tell you Jackie that your stuff is "sew" cute! I love it!!!!!

  4. Fun! Okay...

    1. My favourite post was the 'now where was I' one. It's always nice to hear fellow moms battling the bulge and wanting to take care of themselves.
    2. I want to hear more about your farm, and improvements you're working on on your house, and how you think up the neat crafty things you come up with!
    3. Diaper totes and slings in fun fabrics.

  5. 1)i am stuck in between loving pretty in pink and greased lightening (been there done that with this one ugh)

    2)i love hearing about the "quirky" things you do (ie the pretty in pink) i love hearing about the farm (ok maybe the horses:) only b/c they are beautiful creatures :)and of course i want to hear about what lil charlie gets to keep up with lol

    3) as far as new items for your store hmm good one considering you are a "farm girl" what about items done with "old" horse shoes and such that can be found on the farm can just be decorative or useful i have a few thoughts if you want to know but hurry i lose em quick lol

  6. 1. I'm not sorry, but I really enjoyed the turd post. In my family, we are all about bodily noises and clearing rooms and such :D

    2. I would like to see more about your crafts and even see....*gasp* a tute or two for some project/craft stuff :)

    3. I would like to see mommy and me matching aprons/chef hats with maybe some appliqué work or embroidery...or some neat and foldable mommy and me shopping bags :)

  7. 1. I love your blog! I think you are an excellent writer and we have the same sense of humor, especially when it comes to kids and their antics! I also love give a ways, so can this one count as my favorite post?

    2. I loved the little 'tour' of the farm! It's so far from my reality, but so interesting! I love any thing that gives us more of a personal look at 'a day in the life of Jackie.' I've also always secretly wondered what got you started as an Undercover agent and what crazy stories you have from those parties ;)

    3. I love personalized kids stuff! I think the diaper totes were a good idea, but I also always need a changing pad, so not sure if there was a way to build in a small one that folds up into the bag itself. I am also a sucker for those handpainted signs with meaningful sayings.

  8. I know I'm too late for the giveaway, but I LOVED your post about your farm, and of course the "turd" post since I suffer from potty humor myself.

    I agree with Michelle - I LOVE personalized stuff.

  9. :) I also know that I'm too late for the giveaway but I just wanted to give you some feedback too!

    1. My favorite post was getting a tour of the farm!! We're trying to plan a trip to TO in the next year and I hope I get a chance to go visit the farm! I also like the pink post. You're too cute!

    2.I would love to hear more about the farm land. But my curious side also wants to hear more about some of your paranormal stories. Do you have any in the house you are in right now or just the house you grew up in? I also like hearing about the funny things the kids do.

    3. I like Emily's idea of shopping bags. People are trying to be eco-friendly now a days and started using reusable bags for their shopping needs.
    I kind of a sucker for blankets and quilts. Maybe baby quilts would be cute? I also saw something on Jon and Kate +8 once. She had made each child a small bag that clip onto the belt of the car seats. In the small bags she would put each kids snacks. It's a great way for them to have their snacks and NOT drop them all over the car which my little devils do sometimes because since I'm not that crafty I put their snacks in ziplock bags :)

    ps I love the ponchos but Phil thinks it's too girly for his boys so he doesn't want to get one for them. Ahhh men.

  10. Thanks again everyone!

    Mylene - it would be GREAT to get to visit if you make your way to TO! I'm still sad that we weren't able to meet up before you moved :( I'll be working on all of the topic suggestions, but just wanted to let you know that my next post will touch on the Paranormal...stay tuned! :)
