Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Weekly Weigh-In

I'm excited to report that this week was much better than last! I was afraid to step on the scale, because I'd indulged a little throughout the week...a trip to East Side Mario's, Dairy Queen and McDonald's. Apparently I'm doing a pretty good job calculating my points, because I still managed to lose 2 lbs! I even got a pretty blue ribbon that says "I Lost 10 Pounds" that I brought home and hung on my fridge :)

Week #1: 137 lbs
Week #2: 133.8 lbs - 3.2 lbs lost
Week #3: 132.8 lbs - 1 lb lost/ 4.2 lbs total loss
Week #4: 131 lbs - 1.8 lbs lost/ 6.0 lbs total loss
Weeks #5 and 6 (combined): 129 lbs - 2 lbs lost/8 lbs total loss!
Week #7: 128.8 lbs - 0.2 lbs lost/ 8.2 lbs total loss
Week #8: 126.8 lbs - 2 lbs lost / 10.2 lbs total loss


  1. Great job! Keep up the good work :)

  2. What? The ribbon wasn't PINK?!! LOL! Great job, Jackie! I am continually inspired!

  3. I'm very proud of you Jackie, you're gonna weigh less than me soon if you keep up at this rate!
